Five Things to Try
Obstacle Challenge
For the first challenge, you’ll arrange enough household items of your choice (pens, plastic cups, bottles, etc.) to block a hall or doorway. If your pet can get to the other side without knocking anything over, then they have conquered the Obstacle Challenge!
Flip The Switch Challenge
Reverse the roles with you and your pet. Start with a clip of your normal selves, followed by a clip of each of you embodying the other!
Level Up Challenge
Is your dog or cat a jumping bean? Put their talent to the test by seeing how high they can jump over stacked household items (we used toilet paper rolls). Each time they successfully complete a round, make it harder and add another row!
The Clapping Challenge
They say that if you clap your hands, pets get excited! Hype up your furry friend with a round of applause and film their reaction! Everyone needs some positive reinforcement!
Favorite Words Challenge
Come up with a list of your dog’s favorite words. Then, get out your phone and start taking a video, but hold the phone up to your ear as if you’re talking on the phone. Position yourself so that your dog is being recorded and begin talking to your “friend” about what you should do today. For example, “I think I’m going to the park and then take a car ride to get treats.”
Post your challenges on social media and tag us so we can watch them! And don’t forget to reward your furbaby with plenty of treats and belly rubs!