Why Do We Need Bike Racks?

A bike rack is a bike rack, right? If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all… Actually, bike parking is not quite that simple. As a bike advocate, Trees and Trails member, and Planning Commission member, I’ve seen my fair share of proposed bike racks. (or lack thereof) Here’s my observation and historical experience here in Nolensville.


Bicycle parking should be placed in an easily accessible area that is well-lit.

This makes the fronts of buildings, under awnings, and near parking lots that are already illuminated prime locations for future bike racks. As you can see at the town hall, “inverted U” bike racks were recently installed by the Trees and Trail committee. These inverted U’s are simple yet provide security for locks and provides multiple points of contact for stability. Bike Racks are relatively low-cost and easy to install. Public Works was able to install these in less than a day.

You may have asked yourself, “Well no one really bikes around town, so why bother?” The easy answer is people do bike in Nolensville, and when the town invests in infrastructure to make walking and biking safer, we will see even more people walking and biking around town. Whether it’s a trip to the ButterCup Festival, the ballfields, the library, or to school, families bike everywhere.

So next time you see a few or several bikes lying down or locked to a fence post. Take a picture and tag @NolensvilleBIKES or email nolensvillebikes@gmail.com, and we can see if we can add a bike rack there.

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